Saturday, November 24, 2012

12 Days of Christmas - Traditional Angel Topper

Do you decorate your Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving?  I know a beautiful way to top your tree..  This traditional Angle Tree Topper in caucasian or african american.  And I promise it will light up your tree!

I can't wait to get this angel on my tree!!!!


Thursday, November 22, 2012

12 Days of Christmas - Glass Teapot with Infuser

Ah!  It is finally Christmastime.  I, personally, refuse to decorate or feel it is Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving!  So, to kick off the 12 Days of Christmas, I wanted to tell you about Avon's Glass Teapot with Infuser.

My boyfriend and I both LOVE tea.  So, I thought this is likely a Christmas present for him this year.  (Don't tell him!)  I know I have the coffee drinking friends...  But, THIS is for us Tea-drinking peeps!  I love the infuser and the ability to put tea leaves in to seep my own tea.  And I may like the idea of a gift to Paul and it still be a gift I am giving to me.  ;)

And a shameless plug for Small Business Saturday...  I personally LOVE the Pink Bicycle Tearoom's teas, where you can buy loose tea...  Check them out.  but, remember small businesses this Saturday (and it would not hurt to remember them each Saturday). 

Show some love to small businesses,

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I like mine with lettuce and tomato...

So, Father's Day...

Dad wanted to watch the NASCAR race.  So Mom, Dad and I met at Cheeseburger in Paradise for dinner.  So after the race was over (also know as Mom and I's quiet time) we ordered.  Now I may know I like mine with lettuce and tomato.  But Dad needed a little help remembering how he likes his.  Just an FYI, he likes the Cuban. 

This year's Father's Day gift?  A set of Aqua Rush.  Now, I know what you are thinking, Avon for MEN?  Yes!  Avon may be the Company for Women, but Avon isn't forgetting the men either.  :)  Aqua Rush is a great, pure fragrance that the guy in your life will love.

So, the next time you order your Avon products for yourself, remember your guy!  Everyone has birthdays!


Sunday, June 17, 2012


Yesterday we headed to Seven Oaks Lavender Farm.  I am so glad I found this deal on LivingSocial.  It was only about an hour drive from my house.  It was intended for us to leave in the morning, say 10 am.  But, alas a miscommunication caused a mix up of where we were meeting.  So due to the miscommunication, we got a later start than I had hoped.  But around noon, we were finally headed to the lavender farm.  It was a beautiful drive once we got on the Prince William Parkway, you know the section where there is pretty much nothing. 

I have always LOVED lavender fragrance.  It is known to have a calming and relaxing effect.  And Seven Oaks Farm (in entirety) was no different.  It was really calming and relaxing!  There was a gift shop of lavender gifts, linen sprays, eye pillows, lavender tea, lavender hot pads. 

On the way up the hill there was a pen of  month old bunnies.  Anyone who knows me knows I am a sucker for bunnies!  They were so tiny.  But, just because they were young, didn't mean they were not smart.  I think they learned pretty quick to RUN.  There seemed to be an endless supply of children to chase them about the pen.

At the top of the hill was a umber of baskets and scissors.  The lovely lavender lady was glad to tell about how to cut lavender, the varieties of lavender at the farm, as well as the activities provided.

You would not believe how quickly you can clip 50 lavender.  Anyway, after clipping our 50 lavender, we sat down and made lavender sachets.  The lavender lady (though this one I would classify as a lavender GIRL) gave me a bunch of dried lavender and a baking pan.  We pulled the lavender buds off into the pan.  This made my fingers all lavendery-smelling.  This was a lovely way to spend time.  First, it wasn't something you could do fast.  Second, the lavender oil was released doing it so there was the amazing and soothing smell of lavender released throughout the process.  After plucking all of the lavender buds, I decorated my sachet bag and loaded it full of the lavender. 

Ending our visit to the lavender farm, I had a lavender mint tea. This was a lovely way to spend the day. 

Now how do you end a day like that?  

Well...  with a lavender foot spa!  And Avon has just the things!  Lavender FootWorks Foot Soak, Lavender FootWorks Clay Mask and Lavender FootWorks Overnight Cream.

You may not be able to go to a lavender farm, but, you can use Lavender FootWorks products.  It isn't QUITE as soothing as the Lavender Farm.  It is something you can do any evening though!

Enjoy your relaxing!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Banging a U-ey

O.K...  I get it.  You looked at the title of this post and are thinking...  What?!?!? 

Don't worry!  I think I can explain.  Have you ever woke up one day entirely dissatisfied with the direction you are going?  You realize you have the wrong job?  Are dating the wrong person?  Have lowered your standards for...  well, whatever?  I HAVE!

Well, dear friend, get ready and buckle up!  I am banging a U-ey!  (And you can too!)  I admit this may be my millionth U-ey...  But, with every U-ey, maybe I come closer to becoming the person I was intended to be, each day getting closer and closer to living up to my full potentional.  I know it will be a long journey getting to my destination.  Join me for the ride.  Maybe, just maybe, we can inspire each other.  A good friend is always needed on a road trip and this road ahead looks bumpy!


(Next post will be more Avon-y)