Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Banging a U-ey

O.K...  I get it.  You looked at the title of this post and are thinking...  What?!?!? 

Don't worry!  I think I can explain.  Have you ever woke up one day entirely dissatisfied with the direction you are going?  You realize you have the wrong job?  Are dating the wrong person?  Have lowered your standards for...  well, whatever?  I HAVE!

Well, dear friend, get ready and buckle up!  I am banging a U-ey!  (And you can too!)  I admit this may be my millionth U-ey...  But, with every U-ey, maybe I come closer to becoming the person I was intended to be, each day getting closer and closer to living up to my full potentional.  I know it will be a long journey getting to my destination.  Join me for the ride.  Maybe, just maybe, we can inspire each other.  A good friend is always needed on a road trip and this road ahead looks bumpy!



(Next post will be more Avon-y)

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