Thursday, November 22, 2012

12 Days of Christmas - Glass Teapot with Infuser

Ah!  It is finally Christmastime.  I, personally, refuse to decorate or feel it is Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving!  So, to kick off the 12 Days of Christmas, I wanted to tell you about Avon's Glass Teapot with Infuser.

My boyfriend and I both LOVE tea.  So, I thought this is likely a Christmas present for him this year.  (Don't tell him!)  I know I have the coffee drinking friends...  But, THIS is for us Tea-drinking peeps!  I love the infuser and the ability to put tea leaves in to seep my own tea.  And I may like the idea of a gift to Paul and it still be a gift I am giving to me.  ;)

And a shameless plug for Small Business Saturday...  I personally LOVE the Pink Bicycle Tearoom's teas, where you can buy loose tea...  Check them out.  but, remember small businesses this Saturday (and it would not hurt to remember them each Saturday). 

Show some love to small businesses,

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